Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Senior Manager at HP
Rada Dyrektor Fundacji Polska Innowcyjna / Doradca startupów
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Wiceprezes Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
CEO MedicalAlgorythmics
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna/ COO & Board Member at BMVO (USA/PL)
Project OaSIS coordinator
Doradca Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / co-founder Skybrook (USA)
CEO Anima
Entuzjasta Lean Startup
CEO SmartMedics
Partner at AOMB Polska, patent attorney
International Marketing Executive, Melaleuca The Wellness Company (USA)
Prawnik, Wspólnik WPS Legal Partners Sp. k.
Profesor i przedsiębiorca
Analityczka w obszarze nowych technologii
Partner at Livre
właściciel KNFR
Współzalożyciel Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable/ Założyciel Innovation Forum Okinawa
CEO Develos
CEO Funmedia / Założyciel Stowarzyszenia Startup Founders
Doradca Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna/ Dyrektor Zarządzający Fundacji Digital Poland
Prezes Zarządu Atende Software
Co-founder CSO Sense Monitoring
Nauczyciel akademicki UwB / Kancelaria Prawa Edukacyjnego
Neurochirurg, Naukowiec, Innowator i Przedsiębiorca
Psychologist and Trainer
Wiceprezes Zarządu Smart Soft Solutions sp. z o.o.
Specjalista ds. technologii przyrostowych w NiUW Glinik (doktorat wdrożeniowy)
Innovation Evangelist
Politechnika Łódzka
CEO at Ad Ventures
UX Designer
Student Politechniki Warszawskiej
Research Fellow at Technical University of Berlin
Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej
prezes Zarządu Fundacji CIKT
Lecturer, Division of Marketing at Nottingham Business School
Vice President & co-founder at Wolves Gate
Ambasador RP w Tajlandii, Mjanmie, Laosie i Kambodży
COO Social Wolves
Koordynator Młodzieżowej Przedsiębiorczości w PFDiM
CEO EDUN Korepetycje
Prezes Stowarzyszenia Rzecznicy Nauki
Chief Specialist, LNG Development Division, Projects Support Office at Polskie LNG
Naukowiec, przedsiębiorca, kreator produktów, fascynat technologii ICT/IoT
Łączniczka, twórczyni innowacyjnych systemów, zaklinaczka kreatywności (Meksyk)
CO-CEO The Policy Bridge (USA, Waszyngton).
President Northeast Maritime Institute, College of Maritime Science
Independent Consultant and Business Matchmaker
CTO&co-founder Incepton
Startup Exal Bone, Moderator Design Thinking - Klientocentryczni
Rolnicza internetowa platforma handlowa Farm MARKET
Advisor, Blue Dome Capital
Dyrektor ds. Analiz i Ryzyka, Ecostrat Inc. (Kanada)
Dyrektor działu wsparcia sprzedaży AGORA S.A.
Junior Social Media Specialist w Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Owner & CEO Sygnis New Technologies
Researcher, współzałożyciel Fundacji Instrat
CEO Insignes Labs
CTO & co-founder INURU (Niemcy)
Managing Director, Scientists-in-Residence (Australia)
Research scientist at Google Brain Robotics/ adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University (USA)
doktorantka i asystent na Uniwersytecie Zielonogórskim
CEO & co-founder XTPL S.A.
Barbara Sobowska | MOST Partners | Founder
co-founder | CIPO w HiProMine
co-founder DTworkspace
Director of Process Engineering at Saule Technologies
Research Associate at Jacobs University (Germany)
asystent naukowy w Europejskim Regionalnym Centrum Ekohydrologii PAN
co-founder DTworkspace
co-founder DTworkspace
Leader in Women in Technology & Women Techmakers, Software developer
Lektor w Uczelnia Łazarskiego w Warszawie
Marketing & Business Development Insider Yachts GmbH
Project Manager | Business development | Commercialization Specialist
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Specjalista ds. rozwoju biznesu w Dynaminds
Product Leader at NEXT Estate
Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Stanford
Co-founder of Tivok Australia
prezes Zarządu Fundacji Młodej Nauki
Business Analyst in INVESTIN Sp. z o.o.
Graphic Designer
Redaktor w Polskie Radio RDC
CEO FLASH Robotics Sp. z o. o.
CTO at FLASH Robotics Inc.
Engineer in R&D at Siemens PLM Software (UK)
Strategist at Sterling Brands, Teaching Assistant at School of Visual Arts (USA)
Konsultant ds. Innowacji, Bank Światowy
Team Leader at the University of Oxford (UK)
Life Sciences Lawyer, COO Pharma Business Club
Independent Innovation Consultant
Przedsiębiorca, farmaceuta, właściciel opieka.farm
Startup/Entrepreneurship Supporter & Activist / Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
CEO RiftCat
Profesor AGH/ prezes Zarządu EC Grupa Sp. z o.o.
wykładowca Uniwersytetu Louisville (USA)
Research Scientist at nuTonomy (Singapur)
Co-founder & CRO at Photon Entertainment
CEO innoMED i farmaceuta
COO euroLoop
CEO euroLoop
CEO Tataj Innovation
COO w Grupie OSTC
COO iTaxi
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
doktorantka Wydziału Nauk o Żywności SGGW
Head of Sales and Marketing at Flowbox
CEO ProConChem
CEO Contact Europe
Wiceprezes Zarządu Fluid S.A.
Dyrektor Inwestycyjny QBN Fund
Founder MINDS / Junior Product Designer at Netguru
Partner w Brante Partners
Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
Specjalista ds. PR, Międzynarodowy Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej w Warszawie
Narodowy Instytut Geriatrii, Reumatologii i Rehabilitacji/Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
doktorant Politechniki Łódzkiej, Matematyka dla biznesu
Główny Technolog w SYNTAJ S.A., Doradca ADR
Prezes Zarządu PelviFly Sp. z o.o.
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Adiunkt, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
CEO Youth Business Poland
Dyrektor Corelab w KCRI
Specjalista ds. scoutingu w The Heart Warsaw
Koordynator Rady Honorowej Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO IFC Capital
Prezes Instytutu Inicjatyw Gospodarczych i Konsumenckich INSTIGOS
Architekt w MKC Architektura
wiceprezes Polish-Israeli Startup Foundation
prezes Polish-Israeli Startup Foundation
Adwokat w Centrum Alternatywnego Rozwiązywania Sporów WPiA UJ
Lider: Startupunity & TEAM Kraków
CEO & Founder Laboratory of Architekture 60+ (LAB 60+) Assistant Profesor at Silesian Univeristy of Technology
doktorantka Politechniki Wrocławskiej
International Business Development Manager at media-press.tv
Training Specialist at FedEx Express
MASc, PMP, EIT, MBA Candidate
CEO & Founder Polish Israeli Startups Foundation
doktorant Politechniki Wrocławskiej/ Fundacja Manus
Przedsiąbiorca, marketer, analityk
Cubic Inch, Sales Engineer
Przedstawiciel w Polsce, Polsko-Litewska Izba Handlowa
Expert / consultant on European Funds
Ph.D. student at AGH University of Science and Technology
Kierownik Laboratorium Inżynierii Biomedycznej, założyciel NanoVelos
Prodziekan na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym we Wrocławiu
Inżynier w Renew Group Private Limited (Singapur)
Właściciel CorreScopy
Founder, Strategic Director at Pulse
Młodszy specjalista ds. pozyskiwania grantów
Business Developer at UniteLabs (Switzerland, Basel)
Vice President of Oxford Entrepreneurs
Talent Scout Region Europe/EEMEA at Hoffmann-La Roche Switzerland
Założyciel i pierwszy Wiceprezes PTSK
Prezes Międzywydziałowego Koła Naukowego Smart City PW
Broker Technologii w BT Progress, Członek rady nadzorczej w Fabryka i3
doktorant Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Prezes Zarządu Fundacji Polonium
Ph.D. Candidate at Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, ÉPFL (Switzerland)
CEO driv2e / Partner at Virtual Power Plant
Konsultant w Financial Transaction Engineering EY (Luksemburg)
Startup Activist (PL/USA)
Członek Rady Wykonawczej Parlamentu Studentów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Co-founder of the EuroArab Project of AEGEE-Europe
Polska Grupa Audytorska - Partner Zarządzający
Leader of HyperLodz Team
HyperŁódź Team (wsparcie techniczne)
Doktorant Aberystwyth University
HyperLodz Team (technical division)
Associate Quality Officer at Confluence (Belgia)
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO AI World
Wiceprzewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Art-Tech ASI
CEO & founder Leaderna Biostructures
Ph.D. candidate at Medizinische University Innsbruck
Przedsiębiorca, ekspert, doradca
CEO Innovation Hub/ Broker Politechniki Warszawskiej
Curator, TEDxPiotrkowskaStreet/ doktorantka Politechniki Łódzkiej
HyperLodz Team - Technical Specialist
HyperLodz Team - Design Section Leader
Z-ca Dyrektora NCBR
Owner and Managing Director at inEdu
Właścicielka Maria Olsson Konsult
COO CONDA Crowdinvesting Poland
HyperLodz Team - Marketing Manager
Conusltant - BrainWorx Innovation Consulting
Inżynier, naukowiec, przedsiębiorca
Dyrektor Metodyczny & Coach Językowy, co-founder SOUL CONCEPT GROUP
Studentka biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rector's proxy for Academic Entrepreneurship (Lodz University of Technology)
wykładowca Politechniki Warszawskiej
CEO Medical Simulation Technologies
Junior Marketing Manager in Arkley Seed Fund
Doktorant SGH / PM w M8 Production House
CEO at Green Hill Inwestments
Co-founder & CEO Svanvid
Naukowiec, przedsiębiorca i innowator
Researcher at Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth
R&D Manager at Braster S.A.
Head of Marketing and PR at Esmod Dubai
Associate at Alfabeat VC
Data Scientist w Analityczny.IT
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Właściciel Fijewski Gallery (PL/USA)
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Lawmore
Architect at Intel Corporation (USA)
Ph.D. at McGill University (Canada)
Product Development Director at Predict System/ Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Student Warszawskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki
wykładowca Politechniki Śląskiej
HR Specialist at ING Bank
R&D Director at Deloitte (Canada)
doktorantka Politechniki Śląskiej
Ekspert ds. pozyskiwania grantów i środków UE / founder Idea Partners Sp. z o.o.
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Przewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Project Manager Startup Academy Poland
Przewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Prezes Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Deep Tech CEE
Communications Manager w Magazynie Rekruter
Wiceprezes Zarządu Braster S.A.
CEO MedicalAlgorythmics
Marcin Gołębicki is a graduate of Harvard University, Minnesota University and Indiana University. For 25 years, he has managed major international medical companies in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East; he gained his experience successfully holding top management positions at, among others, Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific, St. Jude Medical (SJM), Abbott and Philips. He is a co-organizer of the Shark Tank competition for innovative start-up and medical companies and an investor in medical companies and start-ups. He sits on the supervisory boards of medical companies and is actively involved in innovative projects that have changed the medical sector worldwide. Since 2012, he has also been a European member of YPO, supporting the development of managers and leaders of the future. Since 2019, he is a member of the Supervisory Board of Medicalgorithmics.
Profesor i przedsiębiorca
Founder and President of Columbus Energy - the largest Polish company in the modern energy and RES sector. He is a graduate of electrical engineering at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and holds an MBA from the Krakow University of Technology. He gained his managerial experience working for such companies as Heidelberg Technology Centre in Heidelberg, Air BP in London or MARS Polska. He has been an entrepreneur since 2009. From the very beginning he focused on energy efficiency and RES, betting on innovations in his start-ups. In 6 years of activity Columbus Energy conducted the development and transformation of a company listed on NewConnect, which is valued by investors in billions of PLN, achieving a spectacular business success. Through Columbus Energy and privately Dawid Zielinski invests in innovative start-ups, such as Nexity, a company related to the electromobility market, or Saule Technologies - a Polish company developing perovskite solar cell technology. A respected expert in the modern energy sector, member of the RES Power Program Council, winner of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 competition in the category of New Technologies/Innovation, winner of the Teraz Polska Emblem, he was listed among 200 people who create Polish economy (according to RMF FM, Money.pl and 300Gospodarka ranking). Charismatic leader and visionary, lover of unconventional solutions and mountain climbing. He lives according to the values that are also the DNA of Columbus: pace, talent, care, technology. His vision, which he pursues through the Carbon Footprint Foundation, among others, is to neutralize the carbon footprint.
Prezes Zarządu Atende Software
He is the founder of the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz and Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu in Tarnów. Until 2007 he was the rector of these universities. In 2008 he became the president of WSB-NLU in Nowy Sącz, which was merged with WSB in Tarnow. In 1997-1999 he was a member of the team for higher education reform, from 1997 to 2000 he chaired the Conference of Rectors of Non-state Higher Education Institutions. He also co-founded the Business Center Club. In 1993-1997 he was a member of the presidium of the National Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of the board of the Polish Academic and Economic Forum. Since 2007 he has been a member of the supervisory board of Pekao SA bank.
Neurochirurg, Naukowiec, Innowator i Przedsiębiorca
A graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology, where he is still academically active. For the last 20 years engaged in software development and scientific research. He started his career at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microsynthesis, where he developed a multi-frame image capture system. He is the author of Phoenix-RTOS operating system and co-founder of IMMOS, one of the first Polish companies developing embedded systems software. Since 2003 he has been working for ATM SA, first as a System Engineer and R&D Director, then as the President of the Management Board of ATM-Lab Research and Development Centre, and now as the President of the Management Board of Atende Software. At the same time, he was CEO of Phoenix Systems, which developed an operating system and software for embedded systems. Author or co-author of over 40 scientific publications.
Ambasador RP w Tajlandii, Mjanmie, Laosie i Kambodży
He is a neurosurgeon by training and a professor by profession. Currently he is actively conducting research in the field of precision and regenerative medicine at Johns Hopkins University - one of the best universities in the world, at the leading academic hospital in the USA. The initiator and coordinator of the EXPLORE ME project financed by NCBiR under the STRATEGMED I program. He successfully brought the results of his scientific research into the clinic by performing the world's first real-time magnetic resonance-guided neuroendovascular procedure. Member of the Collegium of Eminent Scientists established by the Kosciuszko Foundation in the USA. Creator of 5 inventions submitted to patent offices and founder of two start-ups on both sides of the ocean: Ti-Com in Poland and IntraART in USA to implement his inventions. Founder and first President of a new scientific society: Society for Image Guided Neurointerventions (SIGN) - www.neurosignsociety.org. Organizer of many scientific events, including the inaugural SIGN conference. Participated in many meetings organized by the Embassy in Washington and the Kosciuszko Foundation, including with the President of Poland and the Ministers: Science and Higher Education and Health. Author of over 70 scientific publications (cited over a thousand times), reviewer of publications in over 60 different scientific journals and originator of numerous scientific grants. All this would of course be impossible without a large group of collaborators.
Łączniczka, twórczyni innowacyjnych systemów, zaklinaczka kreatywności (Meksyk)
Graduate of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw School of Economics and the first promotion at the National School of Public Administration. He started his career in the Ministry of Industry and Trade and later in the Office for European Integration and Foreign Aid. In 1996 he was appointed Director of the Presidential Cabinet and in 2005 appointed by Aleksander Kwaśniewski as Head of the Presidential Cabinet. In 2008, he was nominated Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Singapore, where he was elected Dean of the entire Diplomatic Corps in 2012. He was involved in electronic media issues, serving a 5-year term as a member of the National Broadcasting Council. He also worked as Vice President of Exatel S.A. telecommunication company and served as President of the Polish Tennis Association. He served as Business Development Director at PwC and has experience in participating in the work of supervisory boards of large companies, including PZU SA and PKP SA. He is currently the Polish Ambassador to Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia
Profesor AGH/ prezes Zarządu EC Grupa Sp. z o.o.
Co-founder of Verde Olarte, an art gas pedal promoting emerging South American artists. Designer of highly innovative methodologies: 'Moonshot Thinking' and 'Fail in love'. More than 10 years of experience in innovation. Lecturer, trainer of creativity, innovation, intentionality and sustainability of innovative projects. National Leader in Innovation and Exponential Thinking, former Director of the Multidisciplinary Innovation Chair at the Monterrey Institute of Technology, previously Director of Innovation and Engineering Development there. Co-designer and director of the innovative spaces INNOVaction GYM and Campus Monterrey.
wykładowca Uniwersytetu Louisville (USA)
- professor, entrepreneur and lecturer. He spent 6 years abroad, working both in industry and universities in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, USA and Japan. In 1998, he founded the engineering company Energocontrol, which during 16 years of operation was transformed into a group of engineering companies called EC Group. The group consists of 14 companies, mainly spin-offs, which continue the research work conducted at AGH. Currently, the company employs several hundred engineers in Poland and abroad, mainly graduates of AGH. EC Group carries out projects for clients around the world in the field of high technologies in the following sectors: energy, railroad, aviation and engineering. Prof. Tadeusz Uhl is the manager of many national and international research projects and author of over 700 scientific publications. His research work has resulted in 41 national and international patents, of which he is author and co-author. In addition, he is a member of many prestigious organizations and scientific institutions at home and abroad, holding high positions. He has received many honorable mentions: 'Cracovian of the Year 2012' in the category 'Science', 'Scientist of the 21st century' awarded by the 5th Forum of the New Economy, 'Man of the year - friend of the railroads' 2008 in the category 'Science', and in 2010 he was awarded a professorial subsidy within the competition 'Master' awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science.
CEO Tataj Innovation
Polish engineer and scientist. One of the specialists in the field of neural networks, awarded with American, Polish and international honors for scientific, teaching and organizational work. Since 1989 he has been Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Louisville, USA, and in 2004-06 he was additionally Dean of the Faculty. He has published about 300 research articles in journals and conference proceedings in the areas of neural networks, computational intelligence, knowledge extraction from data, image and signal processing, and VLSI circuits. He has authored or co-authored three books (RC Active Filters, 1979, WNT; Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, 1992, PWS; Artificial Neural Networks, 1996, PWN) and co-edited a number of research items published by IEEE Press, MIT Press, and Springer. From 1998-2003 he was Editor-in-Chief of the leading journal in the field of neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. He also served on the Editorial Board of Proceedings of IEEE from 2001-03. He has held organizational positions in IEEE since 1993. He was a founder of the NNC Neural Networks Technical Committee in the 1990s, and served as President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society in 2004-05. He received the Ministry of Education Award (1997) and the Jubilee Gold Medal of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (1999). He has been a foreign member of PAS since 2005, and an honorary professor at two universities in China.
COO w Grupie OSTC
Internationally recognized expert in management and financing of business development, advisor to governments in designing innovation policies. Co-creates and implements modern management methods and new business strategies. She is a lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. She also supports the development of women leaders, first as an initiator of the Women MBA Networking club. She is a member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
COO iTaxi
He ran his own IT consultancy for almost 10 years, with projects in London, Oxford, Rome, Verona and Milan. A graduate of the Universities of Toronto and Leicester, he also has extensive research project management experience gained at St. John's College, Oxford. As CEO of OSTC Poland he was responsible for day-to-day operations of the company in Poland. He is currently COO of OSTC Group.
Partner Zarządzający Experior Venture Fund
He grew up in Sweden. As an 18 year old he sold his first innovation to Wargon Alloys. As a 20 year old he became the youngest innovation advisor for the Swedish State-owned company ALMI Foretagspartner. In 2006 together with a PhD student he founded KYAB AB, a company that measures energy use in buildings based on innovation. In 2009 he published a book about how to go from an idea to a commercial product. In 2012 he announced the acquisition of OnlinePizza Norden, for which he and his colleagues received 120 million PLN. Numerous successes made him one of the most recognizable and appreciated Polish start-ups.
Kierownik Laboratorium Inżynierii Biomedycznej, założyciel NanoVelos
She has been involved in investment, banking and finance for 17 years. Her experience includes direct equity investments, investment banking and investment supervision. She was Global Head of Telecommunications, Media and IT at Raiffeisen Investment in Vienna (2007-2009), and between 2001 and 2007 she worked as Principal at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London and Warsaw). She currently sits on the Supervisory Boards of XTRF Management Systems, Tourmedica, iTaxi, New Byte Order, Cosmose, and Custom. She is also Vice President of the Polish Association of Capital Investors (PSIK) and actively supports women in business as a mentor in Vital Voices and the Entrepreneurial Women Foundation. Since January 2017, she is also a member of the High Level Group for the European Innovation Council.
Z-ca Dyrektora NCBR
Bioprocess Engineering, Head of Biomedical Engineering Laboratory. Area of activity: practical applications of technical sciences, including chemical engineering and medicine, drug delivery systems, drug-dosing implants, nanotechnology, nanoparticles for targeted therapy and cancer diagnostics, graphene nanoparticles, coatings for implants and medical devices, anticoagulant, antimicrobial and drug-eluting coatings, medical implants for tissue engineering. Technologies implemented in industry: technology of covering coronary stents with drug eluting layer, Balton, Warsaw, biocompatible coatings for urinary catheters, hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for bone implants, Biovico (in process). Founder of spinoff companies: NanoVelos, NanoSanguis, NanoThea.
Właścicielka Maria Olsson Konsult
Professor PhD, DSc Aleksander M. Nawrat is a professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He is an author of more than 150 publications and reviewer of many reputable foreign journals. Professor Aleksander Nawrat is an expert in the field of research and development for science, armaments industry and governmental agencies. In recognition for his work, he was awarded a number of state decorations; moreover, he is the laureate of numerous state and international awards. In his career, besides teaching work at higher education institutions in Poland as well as abroad, he has had a seat on the boards of private and state-owned companies. He used to be a member of the Council of the National Centre for Research and Development and a member of Strategic Programmes Committee. Professor Nawrat has been a director of a host of strategic projects that were carried out for private and state-owned companies both funded by the European Union. Currently, he is chairing one of the biggest strategic programmes for National Council for Research and Development.
Inżynier, naukowiec, przedsiębiorca
She graduated from the Faculty of Organic Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology and Business School courses with focus on international marketing. She has conducted research and development work at Trondheim University of Technology and at VTT Finnish Scientific Institute. Since 1993 she has been running her own private firm Maria Olsson Konsult, whose services have been used by the largest Scandinavian corporations such as ABB Corporate Research AB, ABB Kontrol AB, ABB High Voltage AB, Premix OY (Finland), Kvearner Oil&Gas A.S, Norway and Karbomont (Canada). After Poland's accession to the EU she has been actively working to facilitate Polish companies' entry into the Swedish market and to find market partners for Polish and Swedish companies. Active in the European and worldwide Polish community movement. For many years she has been President of the Association of Polish Diaspora Organizations in Sweden. Board member of advisory organizations for various departments of the Swedish Government. Chairperson of the World Economic Polonia Foundation. Certified Ambassador of the Polish Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors and organizer of the Polish Women's Club of Success. For her contribution to Poland she received among others the Knight's Cross and Officer's Cross awarded by the President of Poland.
Naukowiec, przedsiębiorca i innowator
He is the President of Vortex LLC and the Institute of Innovation and Creativity. Professor's experience comes from working in scientific and research departments in Hitachi (Poland and Japan), General Motors (USA) and Delphi (USA), among others. Author of 50 scientific publications and more than 150 patents applied in industry worldwide including reliable components of ABS safety systems, traction control and car steering assistance systems, magnetic sensors, injectors, ecological contactors with magnetic lock, heart pump or electronically controlled heart valve. For his development of electromagnetic devices, which have spread around the world in the hundreds of millions, the IEEE awarded the Professor the title of Life Fellow. For his achievements, he has been honored with the highest number of awards in the history of General Motors and Delphi, including four prestigious 'Boss' Kettering awards, as well as the highest honor in the technical sciences, the annual Scientist of the Year Achievement Award, given by the Presidential Institute of Industrial Research established to coordinate research development in the United States. He is the creator of the most effective niche innovation method to identify technology gaps and transform them into technology niches. With this method, he created a unique portfolio of technologies for the automotive industry in the U.S., the commercialization of which brought about $10 million in annual revenue from licensing and enabled the creation of several startups. Professor Pawlak teaches at Stanford University and is an invited speaker at conferences and congresses around the world.
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Senior Manager at HP
Rada Dyrektor Fundacji Polska Innowcyjna / Doradca startupów
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Project OaSIS coordinator
CEO SmartMedics
Partner at AOMB Polska, patent attorney
Prawnik, Wspólnik WPS Legal Partners Sp. k.
właściciel KNFR
Psychologist and Trainer
Specjalista ds. technologii przyrostowych w NiUW Glinik (doktorat wdrożeniowy)
Innovation Evangelist
prezes Zarządu Fundacji CIKT
Łączniczka, twórczyni innowacyjnych systemów, zaklinaczka kreatywności (Meksyk)
CO-CEO The Policy Bridge (USA, Waszyngton).
Managing Director, Scientists-in-Residence (Australia)
Barbara Sobowska | MOST Partners | Founder
co-founder | CIPO w HiProMine
Product Leader at NEXT Estate
Redaktor w Polskie Radio RDC
Konsultant ds. Innowacji, Bank Światowy
Life Sciences Lawyer, COO Pharma Business Club
Independent Innovation Consultant
CEO innoMED i farmaceuta
CEO ProConChem
Wiceprezes Zarządu Fluid S.A.
doktorant Politechniki Łódzkiej, Matematyka dla biznesu
Dyrektor Corelab w KCRI
Koordynator Rady Honorowej Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO IFC Capital
Prezes Instytutu Inicjatyw Gospodarczych i Konsumenckich INSTIGOS
Adwokat w Centrum Alternatywnego Rozwiązywania Sporów WPiA UJ
Expert / consultant on European Funds
Ph.D. student at AGH University of Science and Technology
Vice President of Oxford Entrepreneurs
Ph.D. Candidate at Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, ÉPFL (Switzerland)
CEO driv2e / Partner at Virtual Power Plant
Polska Grupa Audytorska - Partner Zarządzający
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO AI World
Wiceprzewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Art-Tech ASI
CEO & founder Leaderna Biostructures
CEO Innovation Hub/ Broker Politechniki Warszawskiej
Dyrektor Metodyczny & Coach Językowy, co-founder SOUL CONCEPT GROUP
Doktorant SGH / PM w M8 Production House
CEO at Green Hill Inwestments
Data Scientist w Analityczny.IT
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Właściciel Fijewski Gallery (PL/USA)
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Lawmore
HR Specialist at ING Bank
Ekspert ds. pozyskiwania grantów i środków UE / founder Idea Partners Sp. z o.o.
Przewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Project Manager Startup Academy Poland
Communications Manager w Magazynie Rekruter
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Senior Manager at HP
Rada Dyrektor Fundacji Polska Innowcyjna / Doradca startupów
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Wiceprezes Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna/ COO & Board Member at BMVO (USA/PL)
Doradca Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / co-founder Skybrook (USA)
Doradca Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna/ Dyrektor Zarządzający Fundacji Digital Poland
Koordynator Rady Honorowej Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO IFC Capital
Rada Dyrektorów Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO AI World
Wiceprzewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Art-Tech ASI
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Właściciel Fijewski Gallery (PL/USA)
Rada Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Lawmore
Przewodniczący Rady Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / Project Manager Startup Academy Poland
Prezes Zarządu Fundacji Polska Innowacyjna / CEO Deep Tech CEE